Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dogs Can't Sing

Dogs are amazing, but this was fun, to make a comic strip in a way.

I love wordle it was imspirational and unique


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

feed blog

They all had alot of information, but the easiest is the tech feed, it had some of the simplest information on there. Their's always confusion, when you use technology, but it can be fun like the ones with the picture icons like the flags. It was neat to know how many people use the website and the pi's they were colorful.


The RSS and News readers to know or not to know

I like the varieties of articles and pictures you can use to help your blog. I also like how you can add and save others. You can use the technology for more Ideas, even to relax to read, and even get to know people or colleges by their interest. You can also see if your colleges have the same interest.
The library could see the public interests if it opens to the public.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What a Librarian look like when I was young

Is It interesting that pictures of librarians are so grey, upright and always wear glasses? when I was younger, I thought librarians were stuck up, because they didn't talerate children in the library unless they read, poite,quiet and always with their parents.
I know now that they are like you and me, just trying to make a career in the library, as a parent, and now as a clerk.
they are easy to make friends with and they love their books.
most of all they are patient.
Thankyou and God bless all the Library Staff

The Cats among us

I love cats big ones, little ones, short hair or long hair, I just love them. They can come you, they play and they have personality. They are like children. They need all the care you can give them, but they can be independent, with alittle help.
Cats are talkative, loveable, sometimes hugable and picturesque.
they are great care givers
we just love them, because they are God's creatures